The Void, of which it cannot be said that it is or is not, nor that it has consciousness or has none, while it denies absoluteness to any experiential value (alike to being and to consciousness) cannot be identified. And that is the doctrine of not-self (anatta) as I see it in one aspect at present. This voidness cannot be “is-ed” and so introduced into the worldly scheme, except as the denial of absoluteness of all particular values. It has no more effect on ordinary life than the theory of relativity. But just as that theory completely alters calculation of enormous speeds, so, as I see it, this void-element completely alters calculations of extraordinary situations, of death (as killing, suicide or the partner of old age). N.T

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


„What happiness is there to be derived from the string-tossed puppets of female bodies composed of joints, muscles, bones and flesh? Oh, there will arise very fine desires no doubt, for women having soft tendrils of hair, if we once dissect (or analyse), with our minds, their eyes and other parts of the body into their components of skin, flesh and blood as well as tears, etc. The breasts of females adorned with pearl- garlands and other ornaments, like unto the waters of the Ganges with its long waves flowing down from the great Meru heights are preyed upon (or enjoyed) by bipeds like packs of dogs, licking balls of cooked rice strewn in the crematoriums in the suburbs of a town. Which person is there in this world that will not be burnt like straw when exposed to the flames of females proceeding from Agni (fire), the sin and having darkness in the shape of sable locks and scalding men with their eyes? The cool body of females (which one enjoys) serves as the dry fuel with which to burn him in hell. Dames with dark eyes are so many traps set by Kama (god of desire) to ensnare the ignorant minds of men. They resemble also the bait of flesh strung in the angling noose of excruciating torments in order to lure the fish of men in the pool of re-births replete with the mud of the dire mind. Oh, I will never long for the pleasures of women who are like caskets locking up within them infinite miseries and having, within them the gems of the endless desires, hatred, etc. If we begin to analyse this body into flesh, blood, bones, muscles, etc., then all our desires towards females, said to shine with the moon s resplendence, will become inimical to us in a short time. Only he who has a spouse (and tastes the conjugal pleasures) lusts after such an enjoyment; otherwise how can he feel the pleasures of conjugal life? If the lust of women which is the source of all enjoyments ceases, then all the worldly bondage which has its substratum in the mind will cease. With the cessation of the (conception of this) universe which exists only in name, there dawns the eternal Elysian bliss. This lust of women which, being without discrimination is enchanting at a distance, craves always, even if gratified, and flutters like the wings of a honeybee and is hard to be given up. Being afraid of the terrible consequences it works, such as diseases, death, dotage and the mental and other pains, I do not long after it now. How without its renunciation, can I expect to attain the rare Brahmic seat?‟